Rice Recipe with Squid and Prawns

The recipe for rice with squid and prawns is a traditional dish of Spanish cuisine. A very simple preparation that does not have much complication, since if the ingredients are good, they add a lot of flavor to the rice, especially the fish broth with bones and heads. In addition, this preparation is very simple and quick to do, you can even prepare the sauce ahead of time and have it ready just to add the rice.

Ingredients to make Rice with squid and prawns:

  1. 400 grams of rice
  2. 2 cloves of garlic
  3. 300 grams of crushed tomato
  4. 200 grams of peeled prawns
  5. 200 grams of squid
  6. 3 threads of saffron
  7. 1 liter of fish broth
  8. 1 splash of olive oil
  9. 1 pinch of salt
  10. 1 dessert spoon of sweet paprika

How to make Rice with squid and prawns:

  • To start with the recipe for rice with squid and prawns, you must first prepare the broth. To do this, in a saucepan add the fish bones, the shrimp shells, 1 clove of garlic and parsley. Next, cover with water and let it cook for about 15 minutes. Then, strain the broth and reserve.
  • Remove the shells and heads from the prawns. Then, remove the skin from the squid and clean them well inside, cut into not very thin slices.
  • Tip: if you don’t have prawns, you can also make a delicious rice with prawns and squid.
  • In a paella pan or wide pan, add a splash of oil and sauté the prawns and squid. When they are already sautéed, remove the prawns and reserve.
  • Peel and chop 1 or 2 garlic cloves. Next, add it to the pan along with the squid and, before they get very brown, add the crushed tomato and leave it on medium heat to cook. When the tomato is ready, add the sweet paprika and the saffron threads. Mix everything together.
  • Add all the rice and make movements with the wooden spoon or spatula so that everything is mixed well and cooked.
  • Heat the fish broth that you have prepared, it must be free of bones. Add a little salt.
  • Trick: if you prefer to make a delicious rice with broth prawns, you just have to add more broth.
  • Add the fish broth and leave it for 5 minutes over high heat. After the time, you must lower it to medium heat. Then finish cooking for about 10 more minutes or until done. Before the rice is ready, taste the salt and correct it. Then, add the prawns on top and let the rice finish cooking.
  • When the squid with rice are ready, turn it off and let it rest for 5 minutes. Now you can serve and enjoy the rice with prawns and squid!
  • Soupy rice with prawns and squid
  • If you prefer to prepare a delicious broth rice with squid and prawns, you just have to add more broth to the preparation. In addition, you should also check if you prefer it more or less broth. In this case, we have made a rice that is neither too dry nor too soupy, but you can make it to your liking. Also, if you want to add more ingredients, you can add clams and cook a delicious rice with clams and squid, or even an exquisite rice with squid and shrimp. The combinations are exquisite!

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