Rice recipe with sausages and mixed vegetables

Ingredients to make Rice with sausages and mixed vegetables:

  • Two cups of white rice
  • one sausage (8oz) fat free (99% fat free)
  • Turkey meat
  • one 8oz can mixed vegetables of any brand
  • or you can replace the can with fresh vegetables of your choice such as: celery
  • carrot
  • corn
  • baby peas
  • various types of beans
  • Beans
  • half medium onion
  • medium chili
  • green pepper
  • three cloves of garlic
  • 1/4 cup of olive oil
  • half a can of tomato sauce or you can also replace it with: two tablespoons of tomato paste of any brand
  • 4oz dry wine
  • half a beer
  • Salt
  • pepper to taste
  • a can of bell peppers
  • one small can (5oz) baby green peas
  • Two sprigs of fresh parsley as a garnish. (to decorate)

How to make Rice with sausages and mixed vegetables:

  1. Wash and drain the rice well and add the well-chopped fresh canned vegetables, cut the sausage into half-inch slices, that is, one centimeter more or less and add it with the rice, cut the onion and chili pepper very small and crush the garlic in Heat the oil in a mortar and fry the onion, chili, garlic and tomato together for 5 minutes, stirring always, add the sauce to the rice with the salt and pepper and then add dry wine and 6oz of water and half a beer.
  2. Stir well and cook over medium heat for ten minutes or until it starts to boil, then lower the heat to low and let cook until all the liquid has disappeared and the rice is soft if you do it in a rice cooker like I do, you won’t have any problems Well, you don’t have to watch it, just combine the ingredients as it says above and activate the cook button on the pot and forget it, it will turn itself off when it reaches the desired temperature and cooking.
  3. Garnish with strips of red bell peppers or bell peppers and baby green peas or a sprig of fresh parsley.
  4. This recipe serves 8 people I hope you like it.

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