Rice Recipe Covered to the Poor

One of the classics of Peruvian food is poor-style covered rice, and although this type of covered rice is prepared in many parts of the world, specifically in this one you will find flavors that are quickly associated with local cuisine. Precisely the filling that includes this rice is very similar to that of the popular stuffed potato dish. The poor-style covered rice contains a base of beef, this filling includes more than simple ingredients, and it is one of the best ways to accompany white rice, one of the products that always appears on the tables of Peruvian homes. In addition, the fried plantains and the fried egg that crown the dish manage to create an unbeatable combination.

Ingredients to make covered rice poor:

  1. 500 grams of ground beef
  2. 3 ripe bananas to fry
  3. 2 boiled eggs
  4. 100 grams of black raisins
  5. 2 sprigs of parsley
  6. 1 red onion
  7. 1 tomato
  8. 2 tablespoons minced garlic
  9. 2 tablespoons of panda chili paste
  10. 2 dashes of vegetable oil
  11. 4 eggs
  12. 8 cups of cooked white rice
  13. salt, pepper, cumin and oregano to taste

How to make covered rice poor:

  • To start with the recipe for poor rice, you must first make the miser en place. To do this, it is necessary to have the onion chopped for the dressing, the tomato also chopped into small squares and the ground garlic and the panda chili paste ready. You should also have the 2 boiled eggs chopped. In the image you will also see the ground meat ready.
  • Before starting the preparation, you must have freshly cooked white rice. It is better to use it very hot to facilitate the task of serving when everything is ready. Next, continue with the dressing: heat a splash of oil in a small saucepan and cook the chopped onion over medium heat. When 2 minutes have passed, add the minced garlic and continue cooking for 2 more minutes.
  • Add the jay panda paste and cook for another 3 more minutes. Then, pour in the chopped tomato and cook for another 2 more minutes, moving slowly.
  • Trick: if you have a little meat broth you can add it so that the dressing does not dry out.
  • It is the turn to incorporate the ground beef. So, add the meat, a pinch of salt, pepper, cumin and oregano. Then turn up the heat and cook for about 8 minutes.
  • Trick: you should know that the tuna rice and chicken rice are also delicious. Only in this step should you substitute the meat for these ingredients.
  • When the meat is fully cooked, add the chopped boiled eggs along with the raisins and finely chopped parsley. Cook for 3 more minutes and adjust the salt. You have the filling ready!
  • While the filling is cooking, you can take advantage and fry the banana slices on each side.
  • Now it’s time to serve and plate the rice covered with meat. To do this, with the help of a small container, add a layer of white rice, so that it is like the base of a small tower.
  • Now add a layer of the meat filling, as in the image. Try to match the amounts in each level.
  • As a last step, place another layer of rice. To do this, put a plate on top of the container and then carefully turn it over, so you will get the result you see in this photo. Accompany the dish with the fried plantain slices and top the covered rice with a fried egg. Ready to eat! This dish also goes very well with a Creole sauce, raw Creole sauce, green tomato sauce, onion sauce for meat along with a little lemon juice and salt

How to prepare a perfect covered rice

  • To obtain a perfect covered rice, you do not need much skill, you just need to follow some small tips that could make a difference:
  • It is recommended to have the rice hot and cooked at the same time that you finish making the filling, this will help to make the covered rice compact and without falling apart when assembling it.
  • Try that the Peruvian poor rice does not end up too granulated for this purpose.
  • The filling should not be so liquid, use the meat broth, or water if you do not have broth, only what is necessary.

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