Rice pudding and cream recipe 

Rice pudding and cream is a rich and very creamy dessert, the cream provides plenty of creaminess. Also, as you well know, rice pudding is a traditional dessert that the whole family likes a lot, it has a delicious flavor and is very creamy. Ideal to prepare as a dessert for any special occasion, especially in winter or Easter. For rice pudding and cream to turn out well, you only have to use good ingredients, a round rice that has a lot of starch, which is what makes it thick and creamy, and the special touch of lemon and cinnamon.

In this article we teach you how to make rice pudding and cream.

Ingredients to make Rice Pudding and Cream:

  • 1 liter of milk
  • 200 milliliters of cream or milk cream
  • 150 grams of round rice
  • 80 grams of sugar
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 3 dessert spoons of cinnamon powder

How to make Rice Pudding and Cream:

  1. To start with the rice pudding and cream recipe, first place a saucepan with the milk and cream over medium high heat.
  2. Next, wash the lemon, dry it and with a sharp knife remove a piece of the peel without reaching the white part, since it is bitter.
  3. Next, add the shell to the milk, also add the cinnamon stick. Leave until it starts to boil.
  4. Lower the heat and add the rice. Keep the heat low so that it cooks slowly and thus thickens the milk.
  5.  You must have the rice for about 20-25 minutes, you see stirring.
  6. Trick: the rice must be of the round type, which has more starch, long or other rice is not suitable.
  7. When approximately 20 minutes have passed, add the sugarand, with a wooden spoon, stir very well so that it mixes and gradually dissolves the sugar.
  8. On the other hand, if you notice that it is very thick and you want it lighter, you can add more milk.
  9. You can also try to see how the sugar is, if you like it sweeter, add a little more and stir well to mix it.
  10. Trick: you must be careful and stir so that the sugar does not stick.
  11. After about 30-40 minutes, the grandmother’s rice pudding will be ready.
  12.  We point out that the time can vary depending on how you like it, more done or more complete.
  13. It is better that it is a little soupy, since when it cools it will be thicker. Then let it cool for about 10 minutes.
  14. Fill some molds with the rice pudding and cream and, followed by, place in the fridge until serving time.
  15. When you serve it, sprinkle with a little ground cinnamon. Let’s eat the delicious creamy rice pudding!

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