Rice Horchata

Ingredients to make Rice Horchata:

  1. 4 cups of white rice
  2. 2 tablespoons ground cinnamon
  3. 4 liters of hot milk
  4. 1½ cups of Sugar (300 grams)
  5. 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract

How to make Rice Horchata:

  • The first step to make this homemade rice horchata recipe is to place the rice in a strainer, under running water to rinse it and remove the starch. To prepare the rice horchata water, use normal rice, neither precooked, nor wild rice, nor rice for sushi.
  • Heat the milk but do not let it boil. When you see that the foam is going to start to rise, turn off the flame.
  • Place the rice in a large plastic container along with the cinnamon. Pour in the hot milk and stir.
  • Let this mixture rest overnight to make a good homemade rice horchata. The next day in the morning, strain the rice and reserve the milk.
  • Place a cup of rice in the blender with a cup of the milk you reserved and grind the mixture until the rice is as pulverized as possible.
  • Strain the mixture as many times as necessary until you have milk without any remaining rice. Repeat the operation until you finish grinding all the rice.
  • Add the sugar and vanilla and store the rice horchata in the refrigerator until cold. Serve this refreshing rice horchata water with lots of ice and accompany it with delicious homemade cookies.

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