Rice and Cheese Fritters Recipe

Like all fritters, this rice and cheese fritter contains flour and is fried. The special thing about these fritters is that, as they have rice, cheese and carrots, they are very light and crispy. In addition, they are very easy to make and allow you to use the rice that you have left over from the day before, making it a very economical recipe.

Discover how to make rice fritters and enjoy this delicious snack. You can serve it as an appetizer, entree or side dish. You’ll love it!

Ingredients to make Rice and Cheese Fritters:

  1. 1 cup of cooked rice (175 grams)
  2. 1 carrot
  3. 1 cup grated cheese
  4. 1 pinch of nutmeg
  5. 1 pinch of pepper
  6. 1 tablespoon chopped parsley
  7. 4 eggs
  8. 1 cup self-rising flour
  9. 1 splash of oil for frying
  10. 1 pinch of salt

How to make Rice and Cheese Fritters:

  • In a bowl, mix the cup of cooked rice with the finely grated raw carrot, the grated cheese and the parsley. Season with salt, pepper and nutmeg. Mix the preparation. If you don’t have any leftovers, you can make the rice fritters by cooking half a cup at this point following the package directions.
  • Tip: You can replace the carrot with any finely chopped vegetable. For example, you can make rice and spinach fritters.
  • Go incorporating the eggs one by one, that is, until the first is not integrated do not add the second. Mixture.
  • Tip: If you prefer to cook the rice fritters in the oven you will have to use 3 eggs.
  • Add the self-rising flour and mix again until everything is well integrated. You can also make rice fritters without flour using cornstarch.
  • Place enough oil for frying in a pan and heat it. Add tablespoons of batter to fry the rice and cheese fritters. The fritters should be golden brown on both sides, so when they are golden on one side, carefully flip them over to brown the other side.
  • Tip: You can also cook the rice fritters in the oven by placing the portions on a tray lined with baking paper and baking at 180ºC for 10-15 minutes.
  • When removing them from the oil, reserve them on absorbent paper to remove excess oil.
  • And ready! Now you can enjoy this exquisite recipe for rice and cheese fritters accompanied by your favorite sauce. If you decide to bake them, the result will be healthier because you will not use oil for cooking.

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