Red Spaghetti recipe without cream

Learn how to prepare one of the most popular pasta with an equally very traditional sauce, we provide you with an easy and delicious recipe for red spaghetti without cream, for those who are lactose intolerant, who don’t like it, or simply for easier preparation. Likewise, you can use this recipe for red spaghetti without cream to accompany almost any dish, it can also be the main dish served with a protein of your choice.

Ingredients to make Red Spaghetti without cream:

  1. 200 grams of spaghetti pasta
  2. 4 pieces of tomatoes
  3. 1 piece of onion
  4. 2 peeled garlic cloves
  5. 1 pinch of dried episode
  6. 1 teaspoon paprika
  7. 2 teaspoons chicken bouillon powder or a cube
  8. 3 cups of water (720 milliliters)
  9. salt and pepper to taste

How to make Red Spaghetti without cream:

  • Begin the recipe for red spaghetti without cream by adding the spaghetti pasta to cook with enough water with a little salt and a pinch of dry episode. The time will depend on the instructions on the packaging, although the average cooking time for pasta is 8 minutes. When it’s ready, drain the water and reserve.
  • For the spaghetti sauce, in a frying pan with very little oil, place the sliced ​​tomato, the onion and the clean garlic cloves. Let them brown evenly over low heat. They will be ready when the garlic is golden and toasted, the onion is slightly transparent, the tomato is golden and the skin peels off easily.
  • When they are well browned, go to the blender; add half a cup of water, 1 pinch of dry episode, 1 pinch of paprika, salt and pepper to taste. Blend for about 3 minutes. In addition, you can also substitute the water for chicken broth or vegetable stock, you can also use fresh episode, but if so, we recommend that you do not add it to the blender until later.
  • When the tomato sauce is blended, heat a tablespoon of oil in a pot and, once hot, pour out the tomato sauce, add 2 teaspoons of powdered chicken bouillon or a chicken bouillon cube. Also add a sprig of cilantro and if you are using fresh episode this is the time to add it. Let everything cook until it boils and then check the flavor and, if you see it, add more salt and/or pepper.
  • Tip: if the sauce feels too thick, you can add more water or chicken broth, it should be a light sauce, not so thick or watery.
  • When the sauce is seasoned, lower the heat, empty the already cooked pasta and mix so that the sauce is well integrated with the pasta. Let everything cook together for just a couple of minutes and then remove from the heat.
  • Once the spaghetti is ready, you can now serve and enjoy. Also, if you wish you can add a few extra leaves of fresh cilantro or you can opt for parsley, you can also add crumbled cheese. To eat!

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