Red Rice with Beetroot Recipe

Without a doubt, the appetite begins with the eyes and smell. Although many times it is something more visual, since we hardly see photos of appetizing food we savor it with pleasure. For this reason, the power of food presentation is vital, as it prepares the diner for tasting. It can also surprise you!

Shapes and colors act on the brain to warn us what to expect from certain foods. For example, bright colors suggest rather sweet drinks. If the presentation of the food is unattractive, we may even think that the food is not tasty or adequate. On a psychological level, a strawberry mousse tastes better on a round, white plate than it does on a square, black plate.

Ingredients to make red rice with beetroot:

  1. 1 cup of white rice
  2. 2 cups of water (480 milliliters)
  3. 1½ cups of Beet Juice
  4. 100 milliliters of olive oil
  5. 40 grams of Beetroot cut into cubes
  6. 140 grams of chopped onion

How to make Red Rice with Beetroot:

  • Before setting up the work table, you need to cut the onion and beet into small cubes. Also, prepare the beet juice, which is very simple: cut the beet into several pieces, blend it and strain it. Booking. Juice ready!
  • Cook the rice with the olive oil. When it turns white, add the chopped onion, stir well and lower the heat to medium.
  • To give that characteristic color to red rice, add diced beets. Mix well and give it a little heat.
  • Add the two cups of water and let the rice cook. Season the rice with beet taste. To do this, you can use pepper, salt or broth. Personally, I prefer salt and pepper.
  • Pour the beet juice and stir while the red rice is cooking. Wait for the liquid to be consumed while stirring slowly.
  • When the rice dries, it is time to remove the preparation from the heat.
  • This looks exquisite! It only remains to decorate the recipe for red rice with beetroot with a sprig of coriander or parsley, and use it to accompany any meal, such as a vegetable aborigine steak. If it is a special occasion, you can place a flower. In this case, I placed a dry rose button. It is advisable that if you decide to decorate the food with flowers, they are special flowers for this purpose. Why? Decorative flowers usually contain pesticides and flowers intended for gastronomy do not. You can even cook with flowers if you choose the right ones.
  • This red rice is creamy in consistency and subtle on the palate. Long live the color! and…, the flavor! Although “it all depends on the color of the glass you look through”,

Benefits of red rice with beetroot

  • The red color in foods is a sign of abundant antioxidants, such as the phytochemicals lycopene and anthocyanin’s. Foods like rose apples, red tomatoes, strawberries, raspberries, red bell peppers, pomegranates, cherries, red apples, watermelon, and radishes contain powerful antioxidants. Advantages of lycopene and anthocyanin’s in the body? They maintain cardiovascular health, improve memory, prevent cancer and protect the urinary system.
  • However, the red color comes mostly from carotene in foods with this pigmentation. In bright red fruits we also find vitamin C; dark red fruits have more anthocyanin, an antioxidant that belongs to bioflavonoids.
  • Particular contributions of beets to health? Regulates high blood pressure, detoxifies the body, increases physical performance, fights inflammation, provides minerals and fiber to the body, and has anticancer properties. In addition, beets have no waste, from the root to the leaves, it provides incredible nutrients to the body. Likewise, beets are a resource in gastronomy, both for the sugar and for the dye.

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