Red pesto pasta recipe

Red pesto is a variant, of Sicilian origin, of the traditional pesto. The base is the same with the addition of an ingredient that completely changes the color of this sauce and varies its flavor in an exquisite way: tomato.

Dried tomatoes are used, since they provide a more concentrated and less sweet flavor. The result is absolutely delicious and addictive. It is also prepared very quickly and in a few minutes you will have a pasta dish of ten. Do you dare to cook it? Keep reading because you will learn how to prepare the red pesto pasta recipe in a very simple way. Let’s go with the recipe!

Ingredients to make Red Pesto Pasta:

  • 190 grams of pasta
  • 400 grams of dried tomatoes in oil
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 20 grams of fresh basil
  • 15 grams of pine nuts
  • 40 grams of grated Parmesan
  • 1 splash of extra virgin olive oil

How to make Red Pesto Pasta:

  1. Prepare all the ingredients to make the red pesto: basil, dried tomato, garlic, pine nuts, extra virgin olive oil and grated Parmesan. In this sauce do not add salt, since the dried tomatoes are already salty and the Parmesan cheese also provides salt.
  2. Put all the ingredients for the red pesto in a blender glass and blend them.
  3. The final sauce should be bound and thick, of a dark red color. Reserve it
  4. In a pot with water and salt, bring the pasta to a boil. Cooking time will depend on the brand of pasta. The important thing is that it stays al dente. Drain the pasta well and save the cooking water.
  5. Mix the red pesto sauce with the pasta and integrate well with a spatula. If it’s too thick, add a splash of pasta cooking water and mix well to lighten it a bit.
  6. Serve the Sicilian red pesto pasta in a deep pasta dish or bowl. Garnish with basil leaves or a little sliced ​​Parmesan cheese. Good appetite!

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