Red eye

Ingredients to make Red Eye:

  • 1 light beer
  • 1 plain tequila in a shot glass
  • 1/2 lemon
  • 1 glass of tomato juice (or Clamato)
  • Salt
  • Hot sauce
  • English sauce

How to do Red Eye:

  1. In a large glass mix the beer, tomato juice, and lemon juice, salt to taste, Worcestershire sauce and hot sauce.
  2. When everything is mixed, introduce the tequila shot with everything and the tequila glass (do not mix the tequila with the other ingredients) in the center of the glass with the mixture so that the tequila remains standing inside the large glass, and salt is placed on the rim of the glass.
  3. As the large glass is tilted the tequila spills over the mixture and the flavors of the red eye cocktail are combined.

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