Recipes with figs

The fig is an autumn food, as its ripening point occurs right between September and October; however, its popularity really skyrockets right during the winter season. Perhaps it is due to its fruity and floral flavor, as it contains a mixture of sweet taste notes reminiscent of three very Christmassy ingredients: honey, walnuts and raisins. In addition, as Christmas approaches, this fruit acquires a more gourmet character in its different presentations.

We want you to make the most of all the gastronomic potential by bringing the best recipes with figs to your table. You will love them!

Figs in syrup

Figs in syrup can be a beautiful gift for any occasion, but at Christmas they take on a very special meaning. Did you know that in the past they were already given to relatives and friends in winter? The purpose was to wish loved ones the best for the New Year. If you like the idea as much as we do,

Now, once the sweet is ready, all you have left is the presentation. So, surely you want to give an unforgettable gift, you will need a well decorated jar. To do this, decorate the lid with a circular piece of fabric and secure it with a ribbon or simply put a well-designed sticker that identifies the product.

Tip: accompany them with chocolate and hazelnut cream, fresh cheese, Greek yogurt, vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream.

Fig salad

This exquisite salad is usually consumed a lot from the end of summer to the beginning of winter; in addition, it is a success at Christmas dinner. Its formula is very simple: figs, cheese, one or more green leafy vegetables, one or more nuts (seeds are also good). Sometimes some animal protein is also added.

From here you can invent thousands of variants. The ingredients that you can use are: pistachios, hazelnuts, walnuts, spinach, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, arugula, envy, tender shoots, lamb’s lettuce, watercress, radicchio, goat cheese, fresh cheese, mozzarella cheese, feta cheese, blue and others. You can also add avocado and a handful of dried fruit, such as blueberries or raisins.  A complete gastronomic experience!

Tip: if you toast the almonds a little, they will release more of their flavor and aroma.

Sauce of dried figs for meat

The fig sauce is used to accompany white or red meats, fish, salads, cheeses and canapés. This fig sauce is incredibly good on pâtés, pork chops, beef tenderloin, pork loin, poultry and others. Dare to prepare it with us following the following easy step by step of dried fig sauce for meat. A gourmet touches for your dishes! And, if you still don’t know how to make dried figs.

Tip: You can use white, red, or port (white or red) wine for this recipe.

Fig tart

Most dairy pairs perfectly with figs, which is why we have our fig dessert here to prove it to you. Preparing it is not complicated, even if you make the dough at home, our recipes for sweet short crust pastry or gluten-free short crust pastry will guide you. For our part, we simply bake the base using store-bought dough and then we put this dessert together. That easy!

Now it’s your turn to try one of the best desserts with dried figs that exist, you just have to follow the step by step of our fig cake recipe. Remember, if you don’t get the mascarpone, change it for cream cheese, in addition, you can decorate this cake with nuts (chopped or crushed).

Fig salad with cheese and honey

Do you want to know savory recipes with figs? Well, this salad is exquisite for an  appetizer, although due to its bite-sized presentation, it could also be made for an appetizer of fresh figs. Also, if you feel like it, you can boost it by adding a third ingredient.  What products go best with figs and cheese? We show you some examples of ingredients: Serrano ham, anchovies, roe (if they are mullet they are great), smoked salmon, beef Carpaccio, smoked eel, ham, turkey, among others.

If you love fresh fig recipes, read on and write down the following detailed instructions for our Honey Cheesy Fig Salad.

Tip: You can also use Montego, Parmesan, and goat cheese.

Dried fig bonbons

Figs combine divinely with all dried fruits, but especially with walnuts (also hazelnuts and almonds), as there is a certain similarity between their flavors. We propose these dried fig bonbons that contain both ingredients, and if you like to experiment in the kitchen, you can change the nuts for another dried fruit of your choice, you can even mix several. We point out that this recipe with frozen figs is delicious.

If you like easy desserts with figs as much as we do, do not hesitate to give preference to this recipe. Follow the instructions below for dried fig bonbons. A delicacy in a bite!

Tip: You can freeze these chocolates and consume them whenever you feel like it.

Homemade fig jam

After learning how to make homemade fig jam in its basic version, you can take the risk of preparing it combined with other fruits, for example: orange, pear, apple, pineapple, kiwi and other flavors. It is delicious!

In turn, this variety of combinations will serve you in the following recipes, either to cover them or to fill them: Serrano ham mini pizzas, baklava with goat cheese, crostini’s with brie and walnuts, puff pastries, brie cheese dip with pistachio and tangerine zest, brie cheese montaditos, brie sandwich, goat cheese canapés, etc.

Tip: If you make the jam with overripe fruit, you should consume it within a week.

Goat cheese canapés with fig jam

In the previous section you learned how to make homemade fig jam, we also discussed some great ideas to get the most out of this preparation. Well, now we will show you how to make one of those recipes. We decided on some gourmet snacks, since the holiday season is approaching and they will serve you for any meeting, party or snack you plan.

Assembling this appetizer is not rocket science, but it never hurts to check our instructions  for goat cheese canapés with fig jam. Can’t get goat cheese or don’t like it? Then replace it with Montego cheese, cream cheese, mascarpone, and mozzarella or brie cheese.  Additionally, you can also add a portion of Serrano ham, beef Carpaccio, smoked salmon, roe or anchovies to the canapé. Your guests will hallucinate!

Orange tart with figs

The business card of this cake is its deep citrus notes combined with the characteristic flavor of figs. In addition, it has a soft and moist texture, very appetizing.  Quite a delicacy! If you want a more personalized result, add a spice that combines with the figs, for example cardamom, cinnamon, nutmeg or star anise are very good (a tri-spice potpourri is also good). Definitely, if you are looking for easy desserts with figs, this recipe can become your favorite.  We point out that the fig cake is also delicious!

Tip: Oranges can be substituted with blackberries, raspberries, pomegranate, pear, tangerine, or lemon.

Homemade jam with brown sugar

If you already enjoyed our conventional fig jam, we let you taste this version of homemade jam with brown sugar. Everyone will ask you for the recipe! Also, do not rule out the possibility of turning it into a beautiful gift for your loved ones. You can also do the same with the figs in syrup, with the dried fig sauce for meat or with the dried fig bonbons. Nothing like edible gifts for Christmas!

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