Recipes with cream cheese

Cream cheese is a type of cheese that is obtained by curdling the lactic ferments of a mixture of milk and cream. This ingredient is characterized by being an unctuous, loose and fresh accompaniment, which despite being very creamy has a firm texture. In recent years, it has become popular for being a much lighter dairy derivative, with nutritional contributions that stand out for its high content of protein, folic acid, phosphorus, and vitamins (A, D, B2, B3, B12). But it’s not just about a nutritious and delicious cheese. The versatility in its neutral flavor allows it to be combined with almost any recipe, working equally well for sweet and savory preparations. Even mixed both! Also, despite the fact that it contains fat and a high caloric value, you can find it in light versions, ideal for those who prefer to opt for healthier options.

Thinking about all of the above, we have prepared a compilation with the best recipes with cream cheese, both sweet and savory. In this tour you will learn about some interesting uses of this ingredient, so that you can get the most out of it. You will be delighted!

Chicken breasts stuffed with cream cheese and spinach

The first option we present is a cream cheese chicken recipe. This meat is characterized by being one of the healthiest and lowest in fat of all white meats, so with this recipe you will get a light dish to conquer the whole family. To make your stuffed breasts even lighter, substitute regular cream cheese (approximately 342 calories per 100 grams) for its light version (approximately 205 calories per 100 grams). The taste does not change! Tip: Light cream cheese has about 48% less fat than regular, depending on the brand.

Fruit tarts with cream cheese

Tartlets are an ideal dessert to be able to introduce more pieces of fruit into our daily diet. The fruit has multiple benefits for our body, such as its high content of vitamin C. Consuming it daily is essential to keep us healthy and strong. With this dessert you can enjoy all the flavor of the fruit thanks to the neutral flavor of the cream cheese, which will mainly provide texture. Tip: you can buy the tartlets already ready, and just assemble the dessert.

Spaghetti carbora with Philadelphia cheese

Carbora or carbonate is an Italian classic, the queen among white sauces! The original recipe is very rigorous, and is prepared with egg yolk, bacon, pecorino Romano cheese, coarse salt and pepper. In this case, we have reinvented the traditional carbora pasta by adding Philadelphia cheese.

Creamy chocolate jelly

Gelatin generally goes very well with dairy products, as they help it gel much faster. In turn, the dairy industry also uses gelatin to obtain lighter products that do not lose creaminess, as is the case with yoghurts, cheeses and other items in the light range. In our recipe with Philadelphia, the cream cheese provides a much smoother and more consistent texture than the traditional basic gelatin.

Rajas polio with cheese and cream

If you want to enjoy an authentic Mexican dish that is quick and easy to prepare, you have to try the rajas polentas with cheese and cream. In this recipe, the chills provide a very particular flavor with a slight spicy nuance. The cream cheese, however, counteracts this spicy kick by providing a lot of thickness and texture to the dish.

Broccoli and light cream cheese tart

It seems that just because it has the word “cake” in it, every dish has to be caloric… but it’s not like that! Vegetable cakes are a very nutritious and light dish that you can take advantage of to introduce more vegetables into your diet. In this case, our recipe consists of a crispy puff pastry tart filled with broccoli and light cream cheese.

Chocolate and cream cheese cake

This chocolate sponge cake has a hidden peculiarity in its coverage… its cream cheese frosting also has chocolate! An infallible combination that brings together two ingredients that combine perfectly, spreadable cheese and cocoa. Without a doubt, a recipe with a lot of versatility to innovate on a super sponge cake. Surprise everyone with this easy dessert.

Chicken salad with celery and cream cheese

This chicken with celery and cream cheese recipe, also known as angel salad in Mexico, combines the crunchy texture of fresh vegetables with the smoothness of cream cheese. Thus, a very light, healthy and nutritious appetizer or side dish arises. A recipe that you will have ready in just half an hour and that will delight everyone with its flavor and simplicity.

Cream cheese crackers

If you feel like trying a different appetizer, don’t miss these spreadable cheese crackers! It is a much crunchier version of cookies with a soft sweet touch, with which you will surprise family and friends. Plus, you have them done in a snap of your fingers!

Chicken breasts breaded with Philadelphia cream cheese

It is a version of the famous Cordon Bleu. For this recipe, we have replaced Gruyere cheese with cream, an ingredient that gives it more density and thickness. In addition, this creaminess combines wonderfully with the crunchy and juicy texture of the breaded chicken.

Baked cream cheese cake

There are few desserts as well known and versioned as cheesecake. With oven, without oven, with or without cookie base, in the company of some jam, American cheesecake style But, what happens if it is made with cream cheese? This ingredient greatly enriches the cake, giving it a much creamier texture. In addition, its neutral dairy flavor allows for any extra ingredients, such as those flavored with citrus fruits.

Tuna wraps with cheese

Wraps are rolled sandwiches very similar to shawarmas and burritos, perfect for any type of filling. On this occasion, we propose a light recipe that takes advantage of the texture of cream cheese to give the sandwich an unctuous touch. An ingredient that also works perfectly with fish and shellfish. If you want to prepare a nutritious and healthy lunch or dinner, do not hesitate to consult the Tuna and Cheese Wrap Recipe.

Tip: Cream cheese is often used in sushi rolls, as well as other fish recipes.

Savory profiteroles stuffed with cheese

If you want a super versatile and elegant appetizer, do not miss the profiteroles with cream cheese, they combine with any extra ingredient! Both products have a fairly neutral flavor, so this recipe with Philadelphia is ideal to accompany it with some fish such as tuna, shellfish, other cheeses, ham, vegetables, etc. For this preparation, we have opted for some delicious pickles.

Tip: if you prefer sweet appetizers, opt for sweet profiteroles with cream cheese combined with chocolate or jam.

Very easy homemade cheese flan

Do you want to prepare a flan but you have run out of eggs? We have the solution! Cream cheese, in confectionery, works as an egg substitute, since it provides a very similar texture in preparations. Homemade cream cheese flan is a delicious dessert that is very easy to prepare, since it does not need an oven and only a handful of ingredients, so it is also an inexpensive sweet.

Cream cheese and basil dip

The favorite cheese for creamier dips? You already know the answer beforehand, cream cheese! Its neutral flavor allows infinite combinations, and due to its smooth but firm texture, it can be spread on countless appetizers. The recipe with Philadelphia contains basil, so it is perfect to combine it in canapés with dried tomatoes and black olives.


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