White beans with chorizo ​​and black pudding recipe

White beans with chorizo ​​and black pudding recipe

The white beans with chorizo ​​and black pudding that we share below represent a forceful dish, full of flavor and texture and ideal for cold seasons. Although at first glance it seems like a complicated recipe, the truth is that it is a very simple preparation that only requires patience due to the cooking time of the beans….

Frijoles Recipe

Frijoles Recipe

Ingredients to make Frijoles: 3 cups frisolescargamanto (red) or pink 15 cups of water 1 pound of pork hoof 2 green bananas, peeled and finely chopped with a fingernail 1 grated carrot 1 cup of Hogan, blended or ground 2 tablespoons of oil Salt pepper and cumin to taste Ingredients Hogan 2 pounds of tomato…

Fried Tofu Recipe

Fried Tofu Recipe

Ingredients to make Fried Tofu: 500 grams of fresh tofu 100 grams of rice flour 2 teaspoons ground coriander 1 teaspoon ground cardamom 1 clove garlic 125ml of water oil for frying How to make Fried Tofu: 1 Drain the tofu and cut it into 1 cm thick slices – Put the flour, coriander, cardamom and…