Diuretic onion and celery soup recipe

Diuretic onion and celery soup recipe

This diuretic soup is an excellent option for people who suffer from fluid retention or who simply want to lose weight. Onion and celery soup to lose weight provides important nutrients to our body while exerting a diuretic action. Keep reading and learn step by step how to make a light soup that you can serve for dinner. The diuretic onion and…

Cullen Skink Recipe

Cullen Skink Recipe

Cullen Skink is a typical Scottish soup or cream. This elaboration consists of a cream of potatoes with smoked fish, a fish called haddock, we point out that in Spain it is difficult to find it. The closest fish that is also used for this dish is haddock or smoked cod. Cullen skink is served as a starter…

Creole Soup Recipe

Creole Soup Recipe

Creole soup is a traditional Peruvian dish, that is, a Creole dish. The origin of this dish dates back to colonial times, however, it is important to note that in the pre-Hispanic communities the Incas consumed it and called it “chupis”. The word “criollo” was an adjective to address Peruvians of Spanish descent. The main ingredient of the…