Fuchifu Soup Recipe

Fuchifu Soup Recipe

Fuchifu soup is the result of the fusion of Chinese gastronomy together with Peruvian cuisine. Immigrants from China arrived in Peru at the end of the 19th century that is where the famous “chifas” were born. The word chifa comes from a combination of the terms “chi” to eat “fan” rice. Fuchifú soup is found…

Fish soup recipe

Fish soup recipe

Grandma’s fish soup is a simple recipe that cannot be missing from the table during the Christmas holidays. It is the perfect starter for a dinner where seafood and the flavors of the sea take center stage along with an exquisite glass of wine. In addition, this fish soup is not very complicated, the most important…

Fish broth recipe

Fish broth recipe

In this new easy recipe I want to show you how to make fish broth or fumet. With this recipe we will take advantage of fish heads, bones and remains that we always keep in the freezer, the result is a concentrated preparation that will serve us not only to drink as a soup and comfort ourselves,…