Truffle omelet recipe

Truffle omelet recipe

The white or black truffle omelet is a delight with a lot of flavor. Currently, it is used in the kitchen, especially in restaurants. However, there are cheaper and more affordable truffles that we can find in supermarkets, such as: artificial truffles and truffle powder, an ingredient with a very similar flavor. In addition, we point out that…

Silly Eggs Recipe

Silly Eggs Recipe

Silly eggs consist of a simple dish to use, a very old preparation that grandmothers already made years ago to take advantage of stale bread. A humble but delicious dish that is prepared with very simple and inexpensive ingredients. We also want to point out that there are many versions of this recipe, although the one we…

Recipes with cream cheese

Recipes with cream cheese

Cream cheese is a type of cheese that is obtained by curdling the lactic ferments of a mixture of milk and cream. This ingredient is characterized by being an unctuous, loose and fresh accompaniment, which despite being very creamy has a firm texture. In recent years, it has become popular for being a much lighter dairy derivative, with nutritional…

Potato Waffles Recipe

Potato Waffles Recipe

You all know the waffles in their sweet version, completely exquisite with a good chocolate sauce or with whipped cream to your liking. However, you can also make savory waffles, like these potato waffles that we offer you in this recipe, easy to make and with few ingredients. Ideal to prepare with a variety of sauces, for…