Clam Stew Recipe

Clam Stew Recipe

Ingredients to make Clam Stew: 4 people: Salt Pepper carrot For the stock: oil leek flour Butter green pepper Fish stock liquid cream chopped parsley 500gr clams snuff How to make Clam Stew: The clams, well washed, are boiled in the liter of “fumet”, and left until they open. On this mass, pour, boiling, the…

Snail Stew Recipe

Snail Stew Recipe

Ingredients to make snail stew: Snails (at discretion) 1 bunch of fennel 1 onion 1-2 cloves of garlic 1 teaspoon cumin 1 pepper Salt gofer 1 glass of white rum How to make snail stew: Pour the snails into hot water and bring to a boil, leave over medium heat for about 50-60 minutes. Enough…

Orange Glaze Recipe

Orange Glaze Recipe

The orange glaze is ideal for finishing, decorating and adding flavor to a moist and fluffy pudding. Although it may seem difficult, its preparation is as simple as mixing powdered sugar with a moist medium. This can be water or fruit juice, as we will use in this case, orange. On the other hand, you should also know…