Cannelloni Recipe

Cannelloni Recipe

Ingredients to make Cannelloni: 500 g. ground beef 2 clove(s) garlic 1 pc. egg 1/4 cup(s) gratin cheese 1/4 cup(s) parsley 1/4 cup(s) breadcrumbs 1 cup(s) spinach 2 can(s) tomato sauce 1 pc. crepe recipe for cannelloni and manicotti How to make Cannelloni: The meat is fried with a little oil. While it cooks, it should be broken…

Cod timbale recipe

Cod timbale recipe

This cod timbale is very quick to prepare and works very well for a dinner with friends. You will need a plating ring, but if you don’t have one, you can make it with an empty tomato sauce can, for example. Keep reading and discover the steps to learn how to cook this cod recipe. Ingredients to make Cod Timbale:…

Plum jam recipe

Plum jam recipe

Homemade jams are an excellent option to sweeten our days and integrate fruits in a pure and healthy way. For this reason, in this article, we bring you this yellow plum jam, a very simple preparation in which you can let the children participate. They will love to savor the result! We are going to prepare a rich…