Pink Salad Recipe

Pink Salad Recipe

Ingredients to make Pink Salad: 500 grams of peeled and diced carrots 500 grams of peeled and diced beets 500 grams of peeled and diced potatoes 1 tablespoon of salt 2 tablespoons olive oil 120 grams of mayonnaise 100 grams of lemongrass dressing 1 cup sweet corn 1 tablespoon white vinegar How to make Pink…

Baked Pasta with Tomato and Cheese Recipe – Halloween Special

Baked Pasta with Tomato and Cheese Recipe – Halloween Special

The pasta dishes with tomato are, in my opinion, one of the richest there is. If we also add ricotta cheese, you can’t imagine how delicious they are. This characteristic soft and creamy cheese is great mixed with tomato sauce. When put in the oven, it leaves a unique consistency and flavor. A touch of gratin and we have one of…

Pizza Dough Recipe

Pizza Dough Recipe

Super easy and very rich. If you are thinking of eating a delicious pizza but you feel like cooking… why not do it all at home? we have the perfect recipes for a good tomato sauce, ideas for flavor combinations and to finish, we shares this wonderful pizza dough recipe. Ingredients to make Pizza Dough: 1 kilogram of flour…

Strawberry jam recipe

Strawberry jam recipe

On this occasion we bring you a recipe for homemade strawberry jam, easy to prepare, fast and 100% natural, without thickeners or chemical products. Strawberry season (February to June) is the perfect occasion to take advantage of them and make jam with riper strawberries. The result will be fabulous and you will have a perfect companion for breakfast or…