Recipe for Spaghetti with pesto with mushrooms

Recipe for Spaghetti with pesto with mushrooms

Were you looking for pesto recipes? Well, we have created this pesto spaghetti with mushrooms for all those who love this Italian sauce. This time we have used shitake mushrooms, Asian mushrooms very similar to mushrooms that also help strengthen our defenses. With this dish you will learn how to make the famous Italian pesto sauce at home, using very…

English Porridge Recipe

English Porridge Recipe

Have you tried the typical English porridge breakfast? These oatmeal porridges are fabulous to acquire the necessary energy in our day to day. Especially if you are an athlete, this oatmeal dish, better known as English porridge, provides you with the carbohydrates you need to face your physical activity. In addition, you can accompany the oatmeal porridge with a multitude of ingredients…