Mozarabic Salad Recipe

Mozarabic Salad Recipe

Ingredients to make Mozarabic Salad: 300 grams desalted and cleaned cod 250ml olive oil 1 large avocado and that it is at its point 2 oranges 200 grams of assorted lettuces (endive, loll rose, lamb’s lettuce, endive, red lettuce, oak leaf, watercress, romaine lettuce, iceberg lettuce, etc.) 1 large ripe tomato Salt 1 tablespoon sherry vinegar 1…

Mercian Mojo Recipe

Mercian Mojo Recipe

This typical Mercian salad is also known as mojo or mojito. The main base of this dish is tomato, however, it has a peculiarity, and that is that in summer it is made with tomatoes from the garden and the rest of the year with packed tomatoes. To make it, I have opted for the second option, as it…