Pork Stew Recipe

Pork Stew Recipe

Ingredients to make Pork Stew: 350g of pork rack 2 tablespoons of flour 1 tablespoon olive or vegetable oil 1 onion, finely chopped 2 minced garlic cloves 2 carrots, peeled, sliced 1 teaspoon ginger powder 100cc of meat broth 150g cup of cooked chickpeas 1 teaspoon lemon juice Salt pepper-to-taste How to make Pork Stew:…

Turmeric Rice Recipe

Turmeric Rice Recipe

Turmeric is a typical spice in Indian cuisine and other Asian and Eastern countries. Turmeric is attributed anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties and the truth is that it can be included in any type of preparation. Turmeric rice is a delicacy and its exotic flavor will not only enchant you but it will also combine perfectly with your usual dishes. Ingredients to…

Plantain and cheese croquettes recipe

Plantain and cheese croquettes recipe

The plantain and cheese croquettes are small bites of mashed plantain stuffed with cheese, coated with egg and breadcrumbs to fry until they are crispy and golden. These croquettes are perfect to enjoy as snacks at a meeting with friends or serve as an appetizer. Keep reading and discover the step by step to learn how to prepare these plantain croquettes….

Strawberry trifle recipe

Strawberry trifle recipe

The trifle is a dessert that is served in transparent containers, these allow to appreciate the layers of the trifle, textures and ingredients that make it up. And like many other recipes, the strawberry trifle probably arose to take advantage of the remains of cakes, cookies, creams and fruits. This dessert can be presented in jars of…