Leaf litter cake recipe

Leaf litter cake recipe

The hojarasca cake is quite similar to the millefeuille cake, the differences are mostly in the filling, since the millefeuille only has dulce de leche. On the other hand, the one that we will prepare next intersperses the dulce de leche filling with that of whipped cream or meringue. Chopped walnuts and orange or lemon zest are also usually…

Mango Pasta Salad Recipe

Mango Pasta Salad Recipe

If you need a more balanced, light, simple and above all delicious diet, I have a trick up my sleeve for you: pasta salad with fruit. Who can resist this combination? This dish is excellent to stimulate the appetite of the listless, whether children or adults.  For athletes it represents the best way to ingest carbohydrates. An excellent option…

Crab Salpicon recipe

Crab Salpicon recipe

Ingredients to make Crab Salpicon: 3 pounds of clean crab meat 3/4 cup olive oil 6 tablespoons of butter 6 garlic cloves, minced 2 white onions, chopped 4 canned jalapeno peppers, chopped 1/2 cup of caldillo from the canned chili peppers 1/3 cup chopped drained carrots 4 medium tomatoes, chopped 1/2 cup fresh parsley, chopped…