Recipe of Xoubas Corn Empanada

One of the most typical Galician things are empanadas and of course, fish empanadas. That’s why this time we share this recipe for xoubas or sardines corn empanada, a meal to serve as a starter or main dish made with 3 different types of flour: corn, rye and wheat. Discover how to make this delicious traditional Galician corn and xoubas empanada in a practical way following the step by step.

Ingredients to make Xoubas Corn Empanada:

• 250 grams of wheat flour

• 250 grams of rye flour

• 500 grams of corn flour

• 1 kilogram of xoubiñas or small sardines

• 1 kilogram of onion

• 100 milliliters of oil

• 25 grams of yeast

• Salt

• Sugar

• Water

• Peppers

How to make Xoubas Corn Empanada:

In a deep bowl put 250 grams of rye flour and 500 grams of cornmeal. Put water to boil and when it boils, pour it over the two flours and stir with a spoon. Add a little salt and a little sugar to the corn and sardine empanada dough.

When the dough begins to cool, dissolve the 25 grams of yeast in warm water and add them to the dough, gradually adding the wheat flour and keep stirring with the spoon until you have a homogeneous dough. In a frying pan put the oil and on it, the onion to poach. When it is poached, add a couple of teaspoons of paprika.

Now grease a baking dish and pour the dough over it to make the base of the corn and xoubas empanada. Help yourself with a fork to spread it out and now add the onion to the base. On the onion go arranging the xoubiñas or sardines.

Trick: I have also added some strips of roasted red pepper.

Put the rest of the dough on the xoubiñas, stretch it with a fork and when you finish, put the corn and rye empanada in the oven until it is well cooked and golden.

Serve the corn empanada with freshly made xoubas. You can accompany it with a tomato, onion and tuna salad or some cod and cauliflower fritters, for example.

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