Recipe of Torrejas de Arroz

We love torrejas because we can use that leftover rice from the night before or if we have overdone it by not knowing how to calculate how much to cook per person. So, to make this recipe keep in mind that you can use any rice. For example, if you want to lose weight or are diabetic, we would recommend that you choose the whole grain.

You can also add the vegetables you have in the fridge. Thus, they will be ideal for incorporating vegetables into children’s diets. Grated broccoli, cauliflower or carrot, peas or spinach are some ideas. Discover how to make rice cakes with little oil so that they are low in calories. You can also make them baked or fried, although, in the latter case, of course, they will be more caloric, but just as delicious!

Ingredients to make Torrejas de arroz:

  1. 1 cup of cooked rice (0.5 cup of uncooked rice)
  2. 1 egg
  3. 3 tablespoons of wholemeal flour
  4. 1 dessert spoon of garlic puree
  5. 1 branch of green onion
  6. 1 tablespoon of mustard
  7. 1 dessert spoon of smoked paprika or paprika
  8. 1 dessert spoon of baking powder

How to make Torrejas de Arroz:

  • Cook the rice in plenty of boiling water for about 10 or 12 minutes. Strain it and let it cool. If you have cooked rice, you can start with step 2.
  • Tip: if you overdo it, don’t worry, in this case it will help you make the rice cakes more easily.
  • Wash and chop the green onion. Mix it with the rice and seasonings to taste. Taste the mixture until you achieve the desired flavor.
  • Trick: you will see that among the condiments we mention the garlic puree. When you go to turn on the oven for any recipe, cook a whole head of garlic wrapped in foil. You will get a slightly sweet garlic puree that adds a great flavor to all savory recipes, without weighing it down.
  • Add the egg, flour and baking powder. Check the humidity of the preparation. If it is very wet and you think you will not be able to form the rice cakes easily, add more flour. If not, it won’t be necessary. This will depend on the size of the egg and the humidity of the rice. You can also make the torrejas de arroz con queso adding grated cheese to your liking.
  • If you are celiac, replace wholemeal flour with a mix of gluten-free flours.
  • Tip: if you don’t feel sure, cook 1 test tore to see if you should correct the humidity or not.
  • Heat a non-stick frying pan with spray oil and help yourself with a spoon to form the rice torrejas. Keep the heat medium-high.
  • Tip: you can also cook the rice cakes in the oven by placing them on a tray lined with parchment paper and cooking them for 20 minutes at 150ºC, turning them halfway through cooking.
  • After 1 minute, turn them over with the help of a kitchen spatula and cook for 1 more minute.
  • Clever! Now you just have to enjoy these delicious rice cakes with a tomato sauce, fresh salad or meat.
  • With what to accompany the rice torrejas
  • Whether you have made the croquettes with leftover rice or if you have expressly cooked the rice to make your torrejas, you will see that the result is incredible. In addition, it is a very simple recipe and ideal to serve as a starter or accompaniment. As we said, it is an excellent idea to serve these rice cakes with some sauce.

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