Recipe of tongue in spanish sauce

Ingredients to make tongue in spanish sauce:

  • 1 beef tongue cooked and cut into thin fillets
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 200 grams of onion
  • 50 grams of carrot
  • 30 gr of italian green pepper
  • 30 grams of oil
  • 20 grams of flour
  • 50 ml of white wine (1/2 tumbler)
  • 1 liter of meat broth (or 1 liter of water + 1 stock cube)
  • 200 gr of crushed or fried tomato, to taste

How to make tongue in spanish sauce:

  1. Put garlic, onion, carrot and green pepper in the glass, chop at speed 4.
  2. Add the oil and program 20 min, varoma, spoon speed.
  3. Add the flour, 1 min, varoma, spoon vel. Add the wine and another minute at the same temperature and speed. Add the broth and program 30 min, varoma, speed 3.
  4. When there are 5 min to go, add the tomato through the jar and start it up again until the time is up.
  5. Remove the varoma and let the sauce warm to be able to grind at max speed, to be very fine.
  6. Place the tongue fillets in a casserole, add the sauce and bring the whole to a boil for about 8 people

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