Recipe of the best Cannelloni of Sant Esteve

Ingredients to make the best Cannelloni of Sant Esteve:

  • ketchup
  • cannelloni plates
  • homemade béchamel
  • grated cheese
  • Remains of the corn dollar (cooked)
  • Remains of the roast, in the case of this year, a good piece of suckling pig in the oven

How to make the best Cannelloni of Sant Esteve:

  1. In the grinder we chop all the meat.
  2. We put it in a bowl and mix it with a little tomato sauce.
  3. Bring the cannelloni to a boil, spread out on a clean cloth and fill with the dough.
  4. We spread a tray for the oven, with a little butter and we are putting the cannelloni.
  5. BECHAMEL: We grated an onion.
  6. In a saucepan, we will put butter and we will brown the onion, we add 50 grs. Of flour, stir well.
  7. Now we add milk, stirring constantly, a little grated nutmeg and salt. The amount of milk depends on how thick we want the sauce.
  8. With a wooden spoon, we do not stop removing, until it boils and we let it boil for about 5 minutes.
  9. Remove from heat and pour over the cannelloni, sprinkle with grated cheese and gratin.

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