Recipe of Tequeños de lomo saltado

If you have a meeting with friends or family and you want to cook some delicious appetizers, this recipe is your solution. This preparation of tequeños de lomo saltado is easy to make and, in addition, if you freeze the tequeños they can last up to 15 days. As for the origin of the tequeños, there are several theories: the first account that they were created by two sisters who lived in the city of Teque, Venezuela, and the second theory explains that in colonial times the housekeepers of the city of Teque it was served stuffed with cheese during lunches. In sum, the similarity of all these theories explains the Tequeños come from the city of Teque, Venezuela.

Ingredients to make Tequeños de lomo saltado:

• 250 grams of beef tenderloin

• 1 medium red onion

• 1 fresh yellow pepper

• 1 medium tomato

• 1 pinch of ground pepper

• 1 dessert spoon of ground garlic

• 2 dashes of clear soy sauce

• 1 pinch of salt

• 1 egg

• 1 package wonton paste

• ½ liter of vegetable oil

• 1 sprig of parsley

• 200 grams of edam cheese

How to make Tequeños de lomo saltado:

To start the lomo saltado tequeños recipe, first it is important to cut all the vegetables and meat into small pieces, in the same way you must do it with the purple onion. In the case of the yellow pepper, remove the veins and seeds using a knife, cut it into small squares the same size as the onion. The parsley must be finely cut and the tomato in small squares as well, do not forget to remove the seeds.

In a medium skillet, add a splash of vegetable oil over high heat and when it starts to smoke, add the beef and move to seal.

Add the splash of clear soybean, pepper and ground garlic. Keep moving the tenderloin with the help of a spoon or with the pan. When all the meat is browned, remove it and place it in a container. In the same pan, add a splash of light soy sauce and add the purple onion in squares. Sauté approximately 2 minutes. Add the yellow pepper and the tomato. After 5 minutes, add the meat and turn off the heat.

Finally, add the finely chopped parsley and mix the ingredients. Taste for flavor and add salt if needed.

Beat an egg and add a pinch of salt. In a sheet of wonton, place a piece of cheese and a spoonful of lomo saltado on top. Next, paint the edges of the dough with egg.

Close carefully and seal the edges with the help of a fork. The recipe for tequeños stuffed with lomo saltado is almost here! In a medium saucepan, heat the vegetable oil over medium heat and add the tequeños. Remove them when they are golden and place them on a metal rack.

With what to accompany the lomo saltado tequeños

Tequeños are very popular in Peru and today there are many ways to fill them. These are some of the best known recipes:

• Sweet potato tequeños

• Chocolate tequenos

• Yucca tequeños

• Gluten free tequeños

And, in addition, we provide you with different preparations to accompany the lomo saltado tequeños:

• Hot pepper

• Chicken chili

• Huacatay chili

• Cocona chili

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