Recipe of Tender Broad Beans with Loin

When the grains of the broad beans are still small, where I live they are called “violets”, although they are also known as tender broad beans. This type of broad bean can only be harvested early in the season and is rarely available in most greengrocers. If you have done with them and do not know what to cook, I suggest you make this recipe for tender broad beans in the wok with loin and mint.

Ingredients to make tender broad beans with loin:

  • 1 kilogram of tender broad beans (violets)
  • 1 unit of Onion
  • 200 grams of Loin of two colors
  • 250 grams of Mushroom Sausage
  • 100 milliliters of extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 glass of white wine
  • 5 fresh mint leaves

How to make tender broad beans with loin:

1.Clean, cut into pieces and wash the tender beans or violets. Separately, cut the longaniza and the loin into pieces, and julienne the onion a little wide.

2.Heat the oil in the wok and, when hot, add the meat and sausage. Let these ingredients cook until browned. When you see that it is done, remove the meat and sausage, and poach the onion in the same wok. Once you see that the onion is ready, add the broad beans, stir well, and add salt to taste, cover and let them cook over high heat, stirring from time to time so they don’t stick or burn the onion.

3.Try the broad beans and if they are half done add the meat and the wine or cava. Cover the wok and let them finish cooking. A few minutes before turning off the heat, rectify the salt if you consider it necessary and put the fresh mint, stir and let them finish cooking and take on the aroma of this last ingredient.

4.And ready! We have served the tender broad beans with loin with a very fresh Lambrusco. Do not hesitate and prepare your own bread to accompany this dish.

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