Recipe of stuffed aubergines without bechamel sauce

Baked stuffed aubergines with cheese are a wonderful dish, rich and easy to prepare. In addition, we can fill them with any meat, they are even delicious with vegetables, mushrooms, fish, etc. You should know that eggplant is a very good vegetable, low in calories and light. On the other hand, this recipe does not contain bechamel, so we have added a pinch of grated gratin cheese. They can be prepared as a starter or as a single dish.

In this article we teach you how to make stuffed aubergines without bechamel sauce. Let’s cook!

Ingredients to make stuffed aubergines without bechamel:

  • 4 eggplants
  • 400 grams of minced meat (mixed)
  • 1 onion
  • 1 piece of red pepper
  • 1 piece of green pepper
  • 100 grams of grated cheese
  • 100 grams of fried tomato
  • 1 pinch of pepper
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 splash of olive oil

How to make stuffed aubergines without bechamel sauce:

Wondering how easy stuffed eggplants are made? Well, to start with the recipe for stuffed aubergines without bechamel sauce, you must first heat the oven to 200 ºC with heat up and down. Next, wash the aubergines and cut each one in half, you must cut lengthwise. Place them on a baking tray with a splash of oil and a little salt. Then, put them in the oven until they are roasted, approximately 30-40 minutes.

Place a casserole with a good jet of oil over medium heat and, next, peel and chop the onion very small, add to the casserole. Next, wash and cut the peppers into small pieces, add them together with the onion until they are poached.

When the vegetables are ready, add the minced meat, mix with the vegetables and let the meat cook. Stir so that it is done well for everything. Next, add the fried tomato, salt and pepper. Let it cook for about 10 minutes, stirring so it doesn’t stick.

Tip: you should know that aubergines stuffed with chicken without bechamel sauce are also delicious. You just have to change the minced meat for chicken.

When the aubergines are ready, remove from the oven and let them cool a bit so you can handle them well. Next, remove the meat from the aubergines. Next, chop the meat and add to the sauce you have prepared. With the help of a spoon, stuff the aubergines with the meat.

Place the light meat-stuffed aubergines in a baking dish and cover with the grated cheese. Next, place in the oven at 180ºC with heat up and down, until they are au gratin.

When you notice that the cheese is au gratin, remove the tray from the oven with the aubergines stuffed with vegetables.

Now you can serve the delicious aubergines stuffed with vegetables without bechamel sauce! Tell us your opinion in the comments and share with us a photograph of these easy and fast stuffed eggplants.

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