Recipe of scalopines of sole in port

Ingredients to make ESCALOPINES OF SOLE IN PORT:

  • 1 sole of 700 g
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil
  • 700g butter
  • 4 tablespoons flour to coat
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 glass of sweet port or Madeira wine
  • Salt and white or pink pepper
  • Chive stems to garnish


  1. Remove the skin from the sole by pulling from the head to the tail; Pass a very sharp knife through the central spine and scrape to remove the entire loins, also from head to tail.
  2. Once we have the loins, wash them and dry them with paper, removing all the spines from the wide part.
  3. Cut each loin into three pieces and season.
  4. Beat the eggs in a bowl; dredge the scallops in flour, removing the excess, and coat with egg.
  5. Heat the oil and butter in a large skillet. When the butter begins to melt, slowly fry the scallops for one minute on each side, placing them on a platter when they are golden.
  6. Once the fish is fried, add the Port to the oil and let it reduce for five minutes.
  7. Put the fish back in the sauce, give it another gentle boil for two minutes and place the scallops, assembled in a line, on a warm platter.
  8. Beat the sauce with a whisk and cover the scallops with it.
  9. Garnish with long chive stems, forming a trellis.
  10. It is accompanied by new potatoes turned and steamed

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