Recipe of Recipe black olives in oil with Bonillo.

Ingredients to make black olives in Bonillo oil recipe:

  • black olives
  • olive oil
  • coarse salt
  • olive grass
  • a sprig of fennel
  • two sprigs of thyme
  • two bay leaves

How to make Recipe black olives in Bonillo oil.

1.process the first thing we will do is put half a liter of oil, put the herbs and the thyme and the laurel and the bay leaves and the fennel in a wide-mouth jar with a seal, we will cover the jar well and we will keep it for three or four days so that it macerates, let’s limp the olives and we will wash them well, separating those that we see ugly, then we will put them in a box or pot so that they dry as soon as possible for three or four days, turning them over every day, not leaving them at night, they would soften,

2.Once the drying process is complete, let’s take another jar with a wide mouth and put them in layers, one of salt and another of olives, until the jar is completely dry, we will cover it and leave it for fifteen days to remove the bitterness, and after ten days we will try them, once they are without bitterness we will remove the salt without the bullets, and we will remove the herbs from the oil and strain the oil, and pour it into the pot where we have the olives, we will cover with oil, if we do not have enough oil you can add, we will close it well and we keep 15 days and eat.

3.Observation, once the olives are finished, do not throw away the oil, filter it and it is worth it for salads that will leave a good flavor.


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