Recipe of Potatoes with choco

Recipe of Potatoes with Choco

Recipe of Potatoes with Choco

Potatoes with Choco are a very typical stew from the region of Andalusia, especially from Cádiz. It is a hot dish that is easy to prepare and very tasty, ideal for everyday life but, above all, for cold days, as it comforts us and helps us regain strength. In addition, it is very digestive given the little fat it has, since it is full of vegetables and made with fish.

If you have not tried it yet, we encourage you to do so because you will love the flavor of this dish full of tradition. In RecetasGratis we share a very detailed recipe, with day-to-day ingredients so that you can enjoy this typical and delicious Andalusia stew. Keep reading and discover how to make potatoes with Choco, a Cadiz-style grandmother’s recipe that will not leave anyone indifferent.

Ingredients to make Choco Potatoes:Recipe of Potatoes with choco

  • 1 large cuttlefish
  • 1 onion
  • 1 small red bell pepper
  • 2 carrots
  • 2 small tomatoes
  • 1 handful of frozen peas
  • 1 glass of white wine
  • 4 medium potatoes
  • 1 teaspoon sweet paprika
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 pinch of black pepper
  • 1 splash of virgin olive oil
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 800 milliliters of water (3⅓ cups)

How to make Choco Potatoes:


Cut the cuttlefish into not very large pieces and reserve. The recipe for potatoes with cuttlefish that we share serves 4 people, so if you want to make more, it will be necessary to increase the quantities of the ingredients.


Chop the onion and pepper, peel the carrots and cut them into slices. Apart, peel the tomatoes and crush them. Reserve all the vegetables. To better peel the tomatoes, we recommend making a cross cut and scalding them for a couple of minutes.

Tip: You can use both red and green bell peppers or a mixture of both.


Put a splash of olive oil in a large saucepan and fry the pepper and onion.


When the onion begins to turn transparent, add the sliced ​​carrots and the crushed tomatoes. Keep cooking the soffit. As we said, this is the recipe for Cádiz-style cuttlefish potatoes; Huelva-style cuttlefish potatoes usually have more crushed tomato.


Add the white wine and let it boil for a minute so that the alcohol evaporates.


Add frozen peas and cuttlefish. Stir the preparation well and let the flavors of the ingredients integrate. In the Huelva-style potatoes with cuttlefish recipe, the soffit is usually crushed before adding the cuttlefish, so you can do it if you prefer to prepare this version of the traditional Cadiz stew.

Trick: To make potatoes with Choco with oregano, now add this spice to taste.


Pour the 800 ml of water and add salt to taste, a little freshly ground black pepper, the bay leaf and the sweet paprika. Cover and cook over low heat until the cuttlefish is tender. Depending on how tough the meat is, the stew will take an hour or more to be ready. In any case, cooking the broth quite a bit will only make the stew even richer, so there is no problem if we spend a little time.


When the cuttlefish is tender, taste the broth and adjust the salt if necessary. Peel the potatoes, mash them and add them to the broth to cook them. They will take about 40 minutes to be tender.

Tip: If you want to make potatoes with cuttlefish and prawns, add the shellfish 10 minutes before the potatoes finish cooking.


You can serve the stew right away or let it sit for a while, as it will be very tasty either way. The recipe for potatoes with Choco is one of the most traditional in Andalusia and throughout the country in general, due to its flavor and the amount of nutrients it provides. For this reason, there are different versions, all of them delicious! Tell us, which one do you prefer?

Potatoes with Choco with Thermo mix

If you have the popular Thermo mix food processor, you should know that you can also prepare potatoes with cuttlefish in the style of Sambuca or Chicana with it. You just have to follow these steps :

  1. Chop the onion, carrot and peppers in the machine at speed 4 for 4 seconds.
  2. Add oil and sauté in aroma for 12 minutes at spoon speed.
  3. Add the paprika and white wine and program for 4 more seconds at speed 5.
  4. Put the butterfly, add the cuttlefish and cook for 12 minutes in aroma and spoon speed.
  5. Crack the potatoes, add them, and add the bay leaf, salt to taste, black pepper and the water. Program for 22 minutes in aroma and spoon speed.
  6. After the time, check the doneness and serve or cook for a couple more minutes.

This stew recipe is spectacularly prepared in any case, so do not stop enjoying it whether or not you have the Thermo mix. In addition, we said that it is a very nutritious dish, and it is true!, since it provides carbohydrates, which give energy, protein, minerals, vitamins, fiber and very little fat.


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