Recipe of Potatoes to the platoon

The platoon potatoes is a very simple dish made with ingredients you have at home, an exquisite dish that will make you whet your appetite in a second. The potatoes to the platoon is a well-known recipe in Córdoba that is served in many tapas bars, it is known for the plate to the platoon or also for the potatoes to the pile. This recipe in other places is also known as fried eggs with ham, it is a recipe similar to the platoon potatoes, but in this case the egg is the protagonist.

Ingredients to make Potatoes to the platoon:

• 8 potatoes

• 4 eggs

• 150 grams of Serrano ham

• 1 glass of oil

• 1 pinch of salt

How to make Potatoes to the platoon:

To make the recipe for potatoes to the platoon, you must first wash the potatoes, peel them and cut them finely, as if they were poor potatoes.

Do you want to know how to fry potatoes to the platoon? Well, place a slightly wide pan and add a glass of olive oil to heat over medium heat. When the oil is hot, add the potatoes, let them cook until they are done and brown a little. When they are golden you should remove them, put them in a colander and let the excess oil drain. Now it’s time to prepare the ham. You must cut it into strips.

Once the potatoes are drained, place them on a plate and add salt. Keep them covered so they don’t get cold.

In the same oil that you have fried the potatoes, fry the eggs. Keep in mind that the oil is very hot so that the egg white is fried immediately, leaving the yolk at its point, this will cause the egg to break on the potatoes. You almost have the recipe for potatoes to the platoon with ham and egg ready! Fry the eggs and add them on top of the potatoes. Put a little salt on the eggs.

And if you also want to learn how to make important potatoes, do not miss this recipe. Place the pieces of ham cut into strips on top and serve immediately. To eat this dish it is ideal to break the eggs with a knife and mix everything. A good piece of bread should not be missing! Ready to eat.

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