Recipe of Pipirrana from Jaen

The pipirrana from Jaen is a traditional dish from this area that cannot be missed in summer. A fresh and rich salad that has some variants depending on the areas of Jaen where it is prepared.

In summer we really want salads and we are lucky that it is also the best season for local products such as tomatoes and peppers, which cannot be missing in this salad.

What differentiates this recipe for pipirrana from Jaen from other salads is the mash it contains, which is made with hard-boiled egg yolks, garlic and green pepper, all finely chopped. Olive oil is added to this until it is like a slightly lighter mayonnaise that will give it a different touch and it will be very good. Discover how to make pipirrana from Jaen and enjoy a fresh and delicious preparation.

Ingredients to make Pipirrana from Jaen:

  1. 4 tomatoes for salad
  2. 1 green bell pepper
  3. 2 hardboiled eggs
  4. 2 cans of tuna
  5. 1 splash of olive oil
  6. 1 pinch of salt
  7. 1 clove garlic

How to make Pipirrana from Jaen:

  • Put the eggs to cook in a saucepan with water. When it starts to boil, cook them for 10 minutes, take them out and let them cool by themselves or with cold water. Booking.
  • Peel the tomatoes, if it’s hard put them in boiling water for a few minutes and the skin will come off quickly. Cut them into very small pieces and put them in a bowl, adding the juice and the seeds. Put them in the fridge to keep them fresh. Wash and also cut the green pepper into small pieces.
  • Prepare the mashed. Peel the hard-boiled eggs; separate the whites from the yolks. In a mortar put the garlic, a few pieces of green pepper, a little salt and the yolks of the boiled eggs.
  • Muja until you get a paste, everything must be well crushed. Then, go adding olive oil little by little and, with the mallet of the mortar, go stirring until forming a kind of mayonnaise. It is important to use a quality virgin olive oil, since this sauce is what gives the salad a good flavor.
  • Take out the bowl where you have the tomatoes, add the rest of the green pepper pieces, add the mashed and a little more salt. Mix everything well and taste for salt.
  • Chop the egg whites and add them to the salad. Open the cans of tuna drain the oil well and add it too. Mix everything. Put the pipirrana from Jaen in the fridge for a couple of hours so that when it’s time to eat it is very fresh and everything has taken on the flavors.
  • Pipirrana de Jaen – Suggestions and other recipes
  • The pipirrana from Jaen is one of those homemade recipes that can have many ways of being prepared, since in each house it adapts to the family tradition. The amounts of the ingredients can be varied; you can put more tuna or pepper, as well as red or green peppers, although the most common are green. You can also prepare it with bonito, octopus or with ham cubes.
  • It is a perfect recipe to enjoy on a hot day and it is great if you accompany it with bread to dip it in the sauce of this Andalusia pipirrana. To make it especially good, we advise you to use good quality tomatoes, very ripe and juicy so that they release the entire flavor in this delicious preparation.

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