Recipe of Pasta with pumpkin and goat cheese

On this occasion we have prepared an energetic and healthy dish at the same time. This pasta with pumpkin and goat cheese is a perfect recipe for athletes and growing children. Pumpkin provides a large amount of antioxidants to our diet and is a source of natural fiber.

Ingredients to make Pasta with pumpkin and goat cheese:

  1. 250 grams of peeled pumpkin
  2. 1 pinch of salt
  3. 1 pinch of ground black pepper
  4. ½ teaspoon of oregano
  5. 250 grams of short pasta
  6. 2 tablespoons of olive oil
  7. 40 grams of goat cheese

How to make Pasta with Pumpkin and Goat Cheese:

  • We gather all the ingredients to make the pasta with pumpkin and goat cheese.
  • First of all, we peel the pumpkin and cut it into medium-sized squares.
  • Sauté the pumpkin with a little olive oil and add salt, pepper and dry oregano. Stir and let it cook over medium heat until it softens.
  • On the other hand, we cook the pasta in abundant boiling water with a little salt. In this case we have used fusilli, but you can use any other short pasta that you like. When ready, drain, leaving a little of the cooking water.
  • Tip: The cooking time depends on the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Mix the fusilli with the fried pumpkin and the goat cheese in pieces. We let the flavors integrate by moving the preparation with a wooden spoon or spatula.
  • We put the pasta with pumpkin and goat cheeses in the oven at 190 ºC, putting a little more goat cheese on top. Let the cheese melt for about 3 minutes.

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