Recipe of Original Cooked with Mercian balls

Ingredients to make Original Cooked with Mercian balls:

  • Half a kilo of green beans
  • A piece of pumpkin totanera
  • Half a turkey weighing about a kilo
  • A knuckle of veal
  • One hundred grams of lean bacon
  • A sausage
  • A kilo of small potatoes
  • Celery
  • Thistle
  • Salt
  • Saffron
  • a kilo of chickpeas
  • (For the meatballs, which they call balls around here)
  • One hundred grams of bacon
  • three eggs
  • Pinions
  • One hundred grams of pork
  • Pepper
  • A turkey liver
  • Garlic
  • A piece of fresh bread
  • Parsley

How to make Original Mercian Cooked with balls:

  1. They have to put in a saucepan, with about three liters of water, the chickpeas, the knuckle, the turkey, the bacon and a little salt.
  2. Letting it cook over low heat for about an hour.
  3. Then, they add the green beans, the celery, the thistle, and half an hour later, the potatoes, the chorizo, the pumpkin and a little saffron.
  4. Ten minutes later, you go throwing the balls, being careful not to break them, and let everything cook until the potatoes are ready.
  5. They take out the broth, and put it in a separate saucepan, add two cloves of garlic and a sprig of parsley, all finely chopped.
  6. They let it cook for about five minutes, and they add a hundred grams of fine noodles, broken by hand, and let it cook for about six or seven minutes, serving it before cooking.
  7. Although you already know that the soup fills you up a lot, and maybe you can’t later with the stew, which isn’t exactly fainting.
  8. So, what they can do is serve the broth without noodles, in a cup called broth, and pour a ball into it, and if they are very gourmet, a splash of sherry
  9. To make the balls, chop the lean bacon, the pork, the liver, the white, and the turkey, all finely chopped, with a razor or a blade. Add very finely chopped garlic and parsley, and the three eggs, mixing it all up.
  10. They add the breadcrumbs, soaked in milk, the pine nuts, a little pepper and salt.
  11. Everything is kneaded, and the balls are made, not very thick because they already know that afterwards, they fluff up a lot.

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