Recipe of olives of sosa al bonilla

Ingredients to make olives of sosa al bonilla:

  • 1 kilo of green olives
  • 40 grams of caustic soda
  • A few branches of olive grass
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 4 carob leaves
  • 2 cloves of garlic to taste.

How to make olives of sosa al bonilla:

We wash the olives well, removing the ugly and damaged ones; we prepare a drilling and a palette or wooden stick, never metallic. We add a liter of water we add 40 grams of caustic soda, we move it with the wooden paddle, or stick, it is advisable to wear gloves, and the children should not be close, once the soda is dissolved, we will let it cool, then we add the olives, so that they are covered of water, if necessary we will add more water to cover them, we will give them a few laps and leave them in a place that the children cannot reach, 12, from 10 o’clock, we will test them for bitterness, we will put an olive under the tap a while and we bite and spit, if it is sweet we remove the water and wash it and add clean water and change every day, until there is no trace of soda, normally three or four days. Put approximately 1 liter of water in a saucepan, add the herbs, the fennel, the bay leaf, the carob leaves and the garlic cloves to the fire, let it cook for 20 minutes, then let it cool and strain, then with that broth we make a dry salt and we will put a good splash of vinegar, let’s be generous, we will put the olives in glass jars, and we will fill them up to cover them with dry salt, we will close and leave them for a week so that they take on the flavor well, and eat.

In this way the olives will always be clean without discomfort from the little thyme eyes and other impurities.

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