Recipe of Mexican Green Beans with Egg

In Mexico, one of the most used vegetables in traditional gastronomy are green beans, also known as green beans, since it is an ingredient that can be easily obtained, and in addition to the fact that its cooking is very practical and its flavor combines with all.

Among its nutritional properties we find that it is a vegetable rich in fiber, minerals such as potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, among others; vitamins such as vitamin C, folic acid and vitamin B6 among others; so we can conclude that this food is very complete and is also delicious.

It is for all this that characterizes green beans that this time; we bring you a very simple but no less rich recipe for Mexican-style green beans, which will be rich green beans with eggs cooked very Mexican style. We invite you to stay with us and join us to prepare this exquisite dish of Mexican-style green beans with egg that we assure you that you will love.

Ingredients to make Mexican Green Beans with Egg:

  • ½ kilogram of green beans
  • 6 pieces of Egg
  • 4 pieces of red tomato
  • 1 piece of onion
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 pinch of pepper
  • 2 tablespoons of oil

How to make Mexican Green Beans with Egg:

1.In the following image you can see the ingredients that we will need to prepare our delicious Mexican-style green beans with egg. Do not lose detail.

2.To start making the Mexican style green beans, we take the green beans, wash them perfectly, cut off the legs that have their ends and slice them into small cylinders approximately 1.5 cm long. Once the green beans are ready, place them in a saucepan with enough boiling water, let them cook in the water for approximately 10 minutes and once ready, remove them from the water, drain them and leave them aside for a moment.

3.Meanwhile, we take the onion and the red tomato and begin to finely chop them as we can see in the following image.

4.On the other hand, in a frying pan, place the oil and let it heat up. Once ready, add the chopped onion and let it sauté with a pinch of salt until transparent.

5.Once the onion is ready, add the chopped red tomato and let these two ingredients of the green beans with egg fry together for approximately 3 minutes.

6.After this time we add the green beans that we cooked previously, move to integrate all the ingredients and add a pinch of salt.

7.Finally, add the previously beaten eggs, and let all the ingredients cook together for another 6 minutes. We move constantly to make sure that the egg is well integrated and scrambled.

8.After this time, our delicious and healthy dish of Mexican corn with egg will be READY! We serve hot and we can accompany them with some delicious refried beans. Bon Appetite!

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