Recipe of Lentils with Pork Chorizo ​​and White wine

Traditional dish of lentils with pork sausage and white wine in this recipe we are going to explain a traditional recipe. You will see how the chorizo ​​gives a very interesting taste to the lentil dish.

Ingredients to make Lentils with pork chorizo ​​and white wine:

  • ½ kilogram of lentils
  • 4 units of pork chorizo
  • 1 unit of onion
  • 1 unit of bell pepper
  • 1 tomato unit
  • 200 milliliters of tomato puree
  • 1 unit of garlic
  • 1 pinch of coarse salt
  • 1 pinch of sweet paprika
  • 1 liter of water
  • 1 splash of white wine

How to make Lentils with pork chorizo ​​and white wine:

1.Leave the lentils to soak for 12 hours, if you want to skip this step you can use boiled lentils, you can buy them canned, they are not as good but you will not have to waste so much time.

2.Chop an onion and cut the chorizos into slices of approximately 1 and 1/2 cm, sauté the onion and the chorizo ​​slices together in this way, no oil is used and they are browned with the juice of the chorizos.

3.Once both ingredients are browned, add the finely chopped tomato and bell pepper and add 1/2 glass of white wine, let the ingredients cook with the wine, then, once the wine has been consumed, add tomato puree and 1 and 1/2 liter of water, season and salt to taste, taking into account that the chorizo ​​is already seasoned and releases all its juice in the preparation.

4.While the water is boiling, add a potato cut into small cubes and the drained lentils.

5.Leave over medium heat with the saucepan uncovered until the potatoes are tender and the preparation has an almost thick consistency. As a condiment you can also add two bay leaves. When serving, grated cheese is added to the plate of lentils with pork chorizo ​​and white wine

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