Recipe of Huesillos from Extremadura

The huesillos from Extremadura consist of a traditional sweet that is made for All Saints, Lent or Carnival, an exquisite recipe to accompany breakfast or snack. You should know that they are delicious and, depending on the area where they are made, a dash of anise liqueur is usually added to provide more flavor. They can also be made in the shape of bones, making a cut at each end so that they remain open.

Do not miss them and learn in this article how to make Grandma’s Extremaduran bones.

Ingredients to make Huesillos Extremadura:

  • 500 grams of pastry flour
  • 100 milliliters of olive oil
  • 8 grams of yeast
  • 100 milliliters of milk
  • 125 grams of sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 glasses of sunflower oil for frying
  • 1 glass of sugar to coat
  • 1 dessert spoon of anise in grain or powder
  • 1 lemon

How to make Huesillos Extremadura:

  1. To start with the recipe for huesillos from Extremadura, you must first put the 100 ml. of olive oil in a saucepan to heat 2-3 minutes with the tablespoon of ground or ground anise and 2-3 strips of lemon peel.
  2. When hot, remove from heat and let cool so that the oil acquires the flavors of lemon and anise. When it is cold, remove the lemon pieces and, if you wish, you can remove the anise or leave it.
  3. In a bowl, beat the eggs, add the cold oiland mix.
  4. Add milk, sugar and lemon zest, mix everything very well.
  5. When you have everything mixed, add the flour little by little and the yeast, you must go kneading until it detaches from the mold.
  6.  Place on the counter and continue kneading, there should be a dough that almost comes off your hands with a sticky point.
  7. On the contrary, these typical sweets from Extremadura will be very hard.
  8. Trick: the amount of flour can vary depending on the liquid, you still need more or less flour, but you should not leave the dough too hard.
  9. Cover the doughwith a cloth or a sheet of transparent film and let it rest for 1 hour.
  10. After the indicated time, acquire pieces of dough of about 25 gr. and form balls.
  11. So that the dough does not stick to your hands, it is better to grease your fingers with oil.
  12. Place a high frying pan with the frying oil and form rolls with the balls of dough.
  13. When the oil is hot, you must fry the bones, turning them overso that they are browned on the outside and done on the inside.
  14. Remove the homemade sweets from Extremadura and place them on a plate with kitchen paperto release the oil.
  15. Place the sugar on a plate and coat the Extremaduran fried
  16. Pass the grandmother’s bones to a source and they will be ready to eat. You can also sprinkle with icing sugar.

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