Recipe of Consome to the devil

Ingredients to make Consome a lo diablo:

  • 600 grams of dried shrimp
  • 150 grams raw bacon, finely diced
  • 3 tomatoes
  • Oil
  • red pepper powder
  • Onion
  • dried red chilies de arbor

How to make Deviled Consomme:

  1. In a good aluminum pot, heat the olive oil and add the chopped bacon, moving it from time to time to prevent it from sticking.
  2. While you wait for the bacon to brown, cut a large onion into fine pieces.
  3. Which you will add to the bacon and the oil, stirring until it turns transparent and the meat turns golden brown.
  4. While that happens, you will dice 3 tomatoes which you will add to the bacon and onion, you will notice that the tomatoes will give moisture to the stew and will prevent the onion from caramelizing and the meat from sticking.
  5. You will add enough purified water to the mixture in the pot, remember that since it will be in a continuous boil you should be putting more hot water every hour approximately.
  6. You will incorporate the peeled and previously rinsed shrimp in clean water to rehydrate them.
  7. Add dried red chilies de arbol; this will give it the degree of spiciness that you want and every hour you check the water you can taste the spiciness of the stew, if you want it lighter, just remove some chilies depending on your taste or that of your guests.
  8. Season with sea salt, not traditional salt.
  9. Here comes the Second Secret… to give it that beautiful infernal color, add red paprika powder to taste (you get it in dried chili and spice stalls), remember, it must be red paprika, do not substitute it for chili pepper.
  10. Do you remember the heads, legs, tail and shells of the shrimp that we reserved? Well, fill them with water and put them to boil enough.
  11. When they are in full boil; strain the content and add the water to the consommé, you will see that in one or two minutes there will be foam on the surface, remove it with a spoon since it is the fat from the heads and legs of the shrimp.
  12. Let it boil for about 4 to 5 hours, checking every hour that the water consumed is replenished with hot water and verifying the degree of spiciness.
  13. Here comes the Third and last Secret… when you see that the meat of the ham bone is already well cooked, take it out for a moment and with a knife remove all the meat and fat that you can.
  14. Return the bone to the pot and check that the meat does not have ligaments or cartilage, if so, cut them and throw them away.
  15. When you have fine and clean meat; add oregano to your taste throughout the surface.
  16. It is important that it is seasoned well, so rub the pieces well with the indicated spice.
  17. Add the oregano-spiced meat and let it boil again for, say, another hour.

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