Recipe of Candied potatoes with Brava sauce

This easy recipe is a reinterpretation of the original preparation of the famous patatas bravas, which surprised me a lot and I liked it. The name of the dish is “Potatoes a la Gaudi” but in reality they are potatoes candied in oil accompanied by mayonnaise and homemade tomato sauce that are very easy to make.

Typical of Spanish cuisine, patatas bravas are a tapa or appetizer that is not missing from the menu of any bar, in this case in the city of Barcelona. It is a recipe that you cannot miss if you want to know a little about this gastronomy or if you simply love candied potatoes.

Then learn how to make candied potatoes with homemade Brava sauce and enjoy cooking.

Ingredients to make candied potatoes with Brava sauce:

  • 12 Agatha potatoes or small potatoes
  • 1 pound of Oil
  • 500 milliliters of tomato sauce
  • 1 egg
  • 1 pinch of Salt and Pepper
  • Ketchup
  • 1 pinch of sweet or hot paprika
  • 1 jar of crushed tomato
  • 1 handful of fresh Basil
  • 1 pinch of Salt and Pepper

How to make comfit potatoes with Brava sauce:

  1. The first step is to put 750 ml of oil in a pot and turn the heat to a low level.
  2. Later, when the oil is hot, put it inside and comfit the potatoes with the skin included.
  3. If you are wondering how to comfit potatoes, the secret are to always keep cooking on a very low heat.
  4. To know when they are ready you will have to pierce the potatoes. When you see that they are tender, it means that they are already candied.
  5. On the other hand, we make a homemade mayonnaise with the egg, oil and salt. We will beat until you wait. But EYE! Don’t cut yourself…
  6. To make the tomato sauce that will accompany our plate of patatas bravas, what I have done is take a jar of crushed tomato and I have combined it with a little basil.
  7. Then we put a pot with the tomato, season with salt, pepper, paprika and more fresh basil leaves.
  8. Let it boil and once it has been flavored, remove it from the heat and let it cool.
  9. Once the potatoes are caramelized, they are touched in the pan, sautéing them, so that they are more crunchy.
  10. Remove excess oil with absorbent paper and that’s it.
  11. To serve our candied potatoes with Brava sauce, serve the potatoes on a plate and cover one side with the mayonnaise and the other with the tomato sauce, spreading little chives on top to give the dish a touch of green.


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