Recipe of Canarian Tamales with Manchego cheese

In Mexico, tamales are one of the most traditional dishes of the national cuisine. In addition, they are especially popular when talking about posadas, since their preparation is not very laborious and they come in an infinity of flavors and styles. For this reason, on this occasion, we have decided to bring you an incredible recipe for Mexican tamales, rich, soft, fluffy and sweet Canarian tamales, which we will combine with the delicious flavor of Manchego cheese.

Read on, write down all the ingredients and discover how to make Canarian tamales with Manchego cheese, a perfect option for Christmas parties or any other special occasion.

Ingredients to make Canarian Tamales with Manchego cheese:

  • 1 cup of white sugar (optional)
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 package of corn husks
  • 1 tablespoon of baking powder
  • 50 grams of raisins
  • 500 grams of rice flour
  • 250 grams of Butter
  • 250 grams of Manchego cheese
  • 8 pieces of Eggs

How to make Canarian Tamales with Manchego cheese:

We prepare the ingredients that we will need. It is important to measure each product before starting so as not to waste more time during the preparation of our delicious Canarian tamales with Manchego cheese.

We soak the dried corn husks to soften them, just for 10 minutes. Later, to continue with the Mexican recipe, we drain them and reserve them for a moment. We take the rice flour and the baking powder and sift both ingredients. Once ready, we reserve them for a moment to continue with the preparation of the Canarian tamales with Manchego cheese.

We use a mixer and beat until it acquires a creamy texture. If we do not have a mixer we can do it with manual rods or a spatula. Then add the sugar and continue beating. Add the sifted flour and integrate. We beat these ingredients well to continue with the recipe for Canarian tamales. We add the eggs and the grated Manchego cheese to, again, integrate everything perfectly.

Once the dough is formed, we take one of the corn husks, already soft, and fill it. To do this, we spread a layer of the previous mixture and add some raisins. To form the Canarian tamale with Manchego cheese, we wrap the dough with the leaf. For this step, guide yourself with the following image. We place the Mexican tamales in the steamer and cover them to prevent steam from escaping. Let the Canarian tamales with Manchego cheese cook for approximately 40 minutes. After this time, we check that our Mexican tamales are ready. To know if they are cooked, the dough must come off the corn husk easily. We serve the Canarian tamales with hot Manchego cheese and accompanied by a delicious warm fruit punch, or a guava atole. Bon Appetite!

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