Recipe of Canapés with prawns

Ingredients to make Canapés with prawns:

  • 500 grams of Prawns
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • Mayonnaise
  • Bread

How to make Canapés with prawns:

I peel some prawns, counting that each canapé will have three to four of them, peel and cut enough garlic into slices, and put them in a pan with olive oil, and let them cook slowly, but without browning, then I put the prawns and let them cook with the garlic, I remove the pan.

I cut a few slices of bread and toast it, better if it is rustic but any is fine, I put a little olive oil on each one, mayonnaise and on top the prawns with the garlic, and a little of the sauce that remains in the pan. Delicious! You can finish the decoration by sprinkling a little dried parsley.

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