Recipe of breaded anchovies in herb mayornaise

Ingredients to make battered anchovies in herb mayornaise:

  • 600g anchovies
  • 1 egg
  • 2 egg whites
  • Flour to coat
  • Enough breadcrumbs (if homemade, better)
  • 1/2 glass of wine vinegar
  • salt and black pepper
  • olive oil for frying
  • 1 egg
  • 1 glass of sunflower oil
  • Juice of 1/2 lemon
  • A bunch of parsley and coriander
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 1 tablespoon capers
  • salted

How to make anchovies battered in herb mayornaise:

  1. Buy the open and clean anchovies, without the central spine.
  2. At home, wash them under cold water and let them drain, drying them with kitchen paper.
  3. Cut them lengthwise, removing 2 fillets from each anchovy; then place them on a platter and sprinkle them with the vinegar salt and pepper.
  4. Leave them for 1 hour macerating.
  5. Prepare the mayonnaise: in a mixing glass put the whole egg and beat adding the oil in the form of a thread, until you get a thick mayonnaise; add clean coriander leaves and parsley to taste, the garlic clove (without the heart) and the lemon juice.
  6. Add salt and beat again, until it turns green. Try the salt.
  7. Chop some fine capers and add to the mayonnaise, mixing with a teaspoon.
  8. Reserve now in a small bowl in the fridge. Drain the anchovies and pass them through flour, which will be kept on a plate; immediately beat the whites until stiff with a fork, and add the yolk; Coat the anchovies in the egg whites and finally, in the breadcrumbs, pressing down well to make it uniform (if necessary, bread it 2 times, to make it crispy).
  9. Then heat a deep frying pan with plenty of oil and, when it starts to smoke, fry the anchovies little by little, letting them float in the pan until they are golden brown (better if it is in a deep fryer, since the temperature of the oil is very important for that the fish is crispy).
  10. Let drain on absorbent paper and serve in a dish, with a doily covered with the bowl of mayonnaise in the center.

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