Recipe for Torta ahogada Jalisco style

Have you heard of drowned cakes? These are a style of Mexican cake that is very famous around the world and is specifically traditional to the state of Guadalajara Jalisco. The Jalisco drowned cake is a very peculiar recipe since, unlike traditional cakes or sandwiches, in this preparation, in addition to putting sauce on the filling, it is also bathed in a rich sauce that completely covers it, and this gives it the name of “drowned”.

It is also worth mentioning the history of the drowned cakes as it is something fun and very special: legend has it that the first drowned cake arose when a day laborer came home very hungry, and when looking for something to satisfy his hunger, he found a piece of bread, some mashed beans, a few pieces of minced pork, and a thin red tomato sauce;  and with all this he prepared a sandwich which he covered with that sauce, and he liked it so much that he asked his wife to prepare more sauce. And that is how this famous recipe was born.

Ingredients to make Jalisco-style drowned cake:

For the red tomato sauce:

  • 700 grams of red tomato
  • ¼ cup of plain water
  • ¾ piece of white onion
  • 1 clove garlic
  • ½ teaspoon dried oregano
  • 1 pinch of salt

For the spicy sauce:

  • 50 grams of Chile de arbol
  • ½ cup of plain water

For the drowned cake:

  • 400 grams of solid pork
  • 4 Mexican rolls

How to make Jalisco-style drowned cake:

We will begin by gathering the ingredients that we will need to prepare this delicious Jalisco-style drowned cake. We are going to start the recipe for Mexican cakes with the preparation of the spicy sauce: for this we take the chiles de arbol and a piece of onion, and cook them for 10 minutes in a saucepan with boiling water.

Once this time has passed, we remove them from the water and place them in the blender together with the vinegar and a pinch of salt. We proceed to blend until we obtain a homogeneous sauce for the Jalisco drowned cake.

Once our hot sauce is formed, we put it to boil for a moment so that it is seasoned over medium heat for only 5 minutes, and once it is ready, we remove it from the heat and reserve a moment. Now we will prepare the red tomato sauce: place the tomatoes together with the onion and garlic in a saucepan with boiling water and let them cook for 5 minutes.

Once the ingredients of our red tomato sauce are cooked, we place them in the blender together with the oregano and a pinch of salt, we proceed to blend until we obtain a homogeneous sauce for Mexican cakes.

We place this sauce in a hot saucepan and let it cook for 6 minutes to season, and once it is ready, we remove it from the heat and reserve it for a moment.

On the other hand, we take the pieces of pork and fry them in a saucepan, and once they are completely cooked, remove them from the heat. Now we take our Mexican bolillos, open them in half lengthwise, taking care not to detach the halves completely, and fill them with the cooked pork pieces. Finally, to serve, we bathe the bread with the tomato sauce and serve the accompanying spicy sauce so that whoever is going to consume it can add it to their liking because it is quite spicy. And now you can enjoy this delicious Jalisco-style drowned cake.

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