Recipe for the best whimsical pizza

Ingredients to make The Best Capricious Pizza:

  1. Basic dough for 4 people
  2. Mushrooms in olive oil – 60 g
  3. Olive Green – 60 g
  4. Black olives – 60 g
  5. Mozzarella – 250 g
  6. Extra virgin olive oil – 3 tablespoons
  7. Tomato sauce – 400 g
  8. Artichokes in olive oil – 10

How to make The Best Whimsical Pizza:

  • The capricious pizza vvuole is garnished with green and black olives, artichokes, mushrooms in olive oil and the inevitable tomato and mozzarella
  • Prepare the dough base using one of the suggested techniques.
  • After the dough has risen, divide the dough into four pieces and roll each piece out on a floured surface, using a rolling pin.
  • The shape must be adapted to the baking tray used and can be rectangular or round.
  • The twos are enough for four round molds of 30 cm in diameter, if you like crispy pizza, but if you prefer soft high pizza roll the dough on two baking sheets.
  • Just a tablespoon of olive oil in the bottom of the pots and adapt the leaves.
  • Prepare the tomato sauce by mixing the past with the rest of the olive oil and salt.
  • Spread the mixture on the surface of the pizza and let it rest for 20 minutes in a warm place.
  • Meanwhile preheat the oven to 220 ° C and Cut the mozzarella into thin slices or cubes and prepare the other ingredients: the mushrooms cut in half, cucumbers in thin slices and the olives pitted and cut in half.
  • Bake the pizzas and cook for about 15 minutes. Remove from the oven and arrange the cubed mozzarella cheese and all the other ingredients.
  • Bake again for about 5 minutes. Cooking times must be adjusted for your oven.
  • Serve hot or warm.

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