Recipe for stuffed flour buns

Another Venezuelan food dish, corn flour bollitos is a dish that is usually prepared for children, who may not like the crunchy coating of arepas. Likewise, adults also know how to enjoy it because the truth is that when you want to eat something quickly, this is a magnificent solution.

Below I will explain step by step how to prepare the famous Venezuelan bollitos, whether you want to try a new recipe or if you have any doubts about the preparation of this simple and traditional dish.

Then follow the explanation carefully and remember that you can make them simple because in this recipe, to give it an extra touch of flavor, we have included a ham and bacon filling. Let’s go with the recipe for stuffed flour buns and bon appetite!

Ingredients to make stuffed flour buns:

  • 1 cup of corn flour (120 grams)
  • 1 cup of water (240 milliliters)
  • ½ cup of milk (120 milliliters)
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 4 slices of cooked ham
  • 4 slices of Bacon
  • Butter

How to make stuffed flour buns:

The filling of our corn flour buns will be ham and bacon. To do it, cut everything finely and fry it so that it is a little crispy and we can remove the excess fat. You don’t need to add oil to the pan, the ham and bacon will release their own. On the other hand we begin to prepare the dough for the buns. The dough of the buns is the same dough of the Venezuelan arepas, in this case the important thing is to leave it very soft.

To do so, place the flour in a bowl and knead together with the water and milk. Season with salt and integrate everything until you get a smooth dough, without lumps.

Tip: Venezuelan bollitos are normally made with white cornmeal, but you can also use yellow as in this case.

Now add the ham and bacon stuffing and knead everything together. If you want you can add a little cheese too. With the dough ready, now shape the Venezuelan buns. Knead with your hands and make buns as seen in the photo. With this amount of dough, between 4 and 5 should come out, depending on the size you make them. Also take advantage and heat water in a pot.

When the water starts to boil, place the buns inside and let them cook over high heat until you see them float on the surface. Remove them with the help of a slotted spoon and let them drain a little of the water.

Serve the stuffed flour buns very hot, cut them into slices and accompany with a little butter. These Venezuelan buns are perfect for breakfast time or even for dinner time, although yes, if you are not used to eating this type of dish, it can be a bit heavy.

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