Recipe for sliced bread cake with York ham and baked cheese

Savory cakes are generally simple recipes to prepare and are liked by everyone. This time I propose a sliced bread cake with York ham and cheese that we know at home as the sandwich cake because it is prepared with the same ingredients (and some more that make the difference) The recipe is very simple and in a jiffy You will have a very rich dinner ready and that can be perfectly kept in the refrigerator if there is any leftover and heat the ham and cheese gratin cake afterwards.

Ingredients to make sliced bread cake with York ham and baked cheese:

• 12 slices of sliced bread

• 12 slices of York ham

• 8 slices of cheese that melts well

• 2 eggs

• 300 milliliters of milk (1¼ cups)

• 1 pinch of nutmeg

• 1 pinch of salt

• 1 knob of butter

• 80 grams of grated cheese

How to make baked sliced bread cake with York ham and cheese:

To prepare our savory York ham and cheese cake, we begin by spreading the base and walls of a rectangular dish that is suitable for the oven with butter.

Cover the base with half of the slices of bread. The one I put is integral but you can use the one you have at home. We try not to leave empty spaces. If necessary we can cut pieces of bread to cover them.

Tip: The number of slices of bread needed may vary depending on the size of the slices and the size of the pan to be used.

Place half of the ham slices on top, cover with the cheese slices and place the rest of the ham slices.

Tip: York ham can be changed for slices of turkey or chicken or the sausage that you like the most or have at home.

Finally, we cover the bimbo salty bread cake with the rest of the slices of sliced bread, trying not to leave any gaps. In a jar or bowl, lightly beat the eggs as if we were going to make an omelet, add the milk, nutmeg and salt and mix well.

Pour the mixture over the top slices of bread making sure that they are all soaked well. And sprinkle the cold bimbo bread cake with York ham and cheese on top with grated cheese.

Put the ham and cheese cake with bimbo bread in the oven preheated to 180ºC and bake until the cheese is melted and the egg is curdled and there is no liquid left.

We can serve the sliced bread cake with York ham and baked cheese immediately or leave it prepared in advance. In this case, we cut portions, heat them in the microwave so that the cheese inside melts again, and serve. Accompanied by a good salad or some baked potatoes. We will have a very complete and rich dinner or informal lunch.

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